Een heel oude lp van André van Duin met Dik Voormekaar trekjes. Waarschijnlijk uit de tijd dat hij nog de Abominabele Top 2000 bij Radio Noordzee Internationaal presenteerde.
Debiele liedjes afgewisseld met reclamepersiflages en sketches.
Een lp van de rommelzolder van Ate M Hes, dus de krasfilter heeft heel hard moeten werken om het knappend haardvuurtje, dat zich naar voren had weten te werken, naar de achtergrond te dringen.

Kant 1:
01 De Tiroler
02 Kwastenkwis
03 Woei, woei
04 reclame: snertsoep, de verborgen microfoon, vloerbedekking
05 De Eskimo
06 Pech onderweg
07 Oh tante, tante
08 reclame: onverklaarbaar wonen, bionlogisch ans, de doorspoelunie
09 Family story
Kant 2:
01 Samen in bad
02 Geluk bij een ongeluk
03 Oh domme Clara
04 reclame: graven, fricades, bambam pap
05 De gooi en smijtmeid
06 reclame: kalenders, interview, reisburo de wolkbreuk
07 Het hek van de buurvrouw
08 Kokkerellen
09 De Hawaiiaanse VVV song
10 reclame: moneymaker, sport in het kort, schriftelijke cursus
11 La lala la lala la
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Debiele liedjes afgewisseld met reclamepersiflages en sketches.
Een lp van de rommelzolder van Ate M Hes, dus de krasfilter heeft heel hard moeten werken om het knappend haardvuurtje, dat zich naar voren had weten te werken, naar de achtergrond te dringen.

Kant 1:
01 De Tiroler
02 Kwastenkwis
03 Woei, woei
04 reclame: snertsoep, de verborgen microfoon, vloerbedekking
05 De Eskimo
06 Pech onderweg
07 Oh tante, tante
08 reclame: onverklaarbaar wonen, bionlogisch ans, de doorspoelunie
09 Family story
Kant 2:
01 Samen in bad
02 Geluk bij een ongeluk
03 Oh domme Clara
04 reclame: graven, fricades, bambam pap
05 De gooi en smijtmeid
06 reclame: kalenders, interview, reisburo de wolkbreuk
07 Het hek van de buurvrouw
08 Kokkerellen
09 De Hawaiiaanse VVV song
10 reclame: moneymaker, sport in het kort, schriftelijke cursus
11 La lala la lala la
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Het gaat weer op kerst aan, merk ik aan de clicks op kerstposts van vorig jaar. Maar het moet nog Sinterklaas worden!
Heeft u kinderen? Eigen schuld. Maar om het nog enigszins draaglijk te houden: pak ze de cd-tjes van de diverse kinderkoren af, en geef hen de zelfgebrand exemplaar van The Chinatown Philharmonic, ook wel genaamd Korzorkest, ervoor in de plaats.
Met Marcel Cuypers (Snake Charming, City & Eastern, De Dopegezinde Gemeente) op klarinet en reeds ingekleurde tekeningen van Meinsje de Paauw.

Veel meer kun je er niet van maken.
Hier te downloaden
Heeft u kinderen? Eigen schuld. Maar om het nog enigszins draaglijk te houden: pak ze de cd-tjes van de diverse kinderkoren af, en geef hen de zelfgebrand exemplaar van The Chinatown Philharmonic, ook wel genaamd Korzorkest, ervoor in de plaats.
Met Marcel Cuypers (Snake Charming, City & Eastern, De Dopegezinde Gemeente) op klarinet en reeds ingekleurde tekeningen van Meinsje de Paauw.

Veel meer kun je er niet van maken.
Hier te downloaden
De Kewi's are Kees Maas and William Wisselink. If the name of a duo is formed out of the first two characters of the names, you know it is silly.
Side one is in German with a Dutch accent, side two in English with a very Dutch accent and Latin with even a more Dutch accent.
But, in a way, this is comforting me (being Dutch of course).
Kees and William are the founders of, Enschede based, 1000 Idioten Records, which means: there always will be 1000 idiots who will buy their records. Mine is a 12" promotional copy, not for sale.
Wisselink produced it, and he did a better job than JJ Burnel on the Polyphonic Size PS 12".

Kewi`s Komplete for sale at Basta Music.
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Side one is in German with a Dutch accent, side two in English with a very Dutch accent and Latin with even a more Dutch accent.
But, in a way, this is comforting me (being Dutch of course).
Kees and William are the founders of, Enschede based, 1000 Idioten Records, which means: there always will be 1000 idiots who will buy their records. Mine is a 12" promotional copy, not for sale.
Wisselink produced it, and he did a better job than JJ Burnel on the Polyphonic Size PS 12".

Kewi`s Komplete for sale at Basta Music.
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Years after Group 1850 disbanded, Peter Sjardin tried to take a more commercial line with this Terrible Surprise. The music was a kind of speedy rock 'n' roll in Herman Brood and Gruppo Sportivo style. Herman Brood later took over the female background singers.
The critics were merciless. Not quite rightly, I think. The music is not bad, but don't expect Group 1850.
Ella Elbersen: vocals
Wouter Planteydt: guitar, percussion
Peter Sjardin: lead vocals, organiser
Robbie Smits: vocals
Kees van der Vooren: fender bass
Wilfrid Snellens: drums, percussion
This is the only recording they made. After this failure, Peter stopped making music and retreated anonymously in a basement in Amsterdam.

This is a hand-numbered edition, from 1 to a 1000. (NR 315)
Side one:
1 Rip off love [5:27]
2 Time killer [2:34]
3 One [3:15]
4 Collage castrate code [3:38]
5 Tokyo [3:05]
6 The wrong information [3:31]
Side two:
1 Can't control [3:32]
2 Unknown queen [2:46]
3 Raped [1:52]
4 The dutch scene [4:23]
5 Sun is coming [5:56]

Put your head on the cover between Robbie and Ella, everybody is a star
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The critics were merciless. Not quite rightly, I think. The music is not bad, but don't expect Group 1850.
Ella Elbersen: vocals
Wouter Planteydt: guitar, percussion
Peter Sjardin: lead vocals, organiser
Robbie Smits: vocals
Kees van der Vooren: fender bass
Wilfrid Snellens: drums, percussion
This is the only recording they made. After this failure, Peter stopped making music and retreated anonymously in a basement in Amsterdam.

This is a hand-numbered edition, from 1 to a 1000. (NR 315)
Side one:
1 Rip off love [5:27]
2 Time killer [2:34]
3 One [3:15]
4 Collage castrate code [3:38]
5 Tokyo [3:05]
6 The wrong information [3:31]
Side two:
1 Can't control [3:32]
2 Unknown queen [2:46]
3 Raped [1:52]
4 The dutch scene [4:23]
5 Sun is coming [5:56]

Put your head on the cover between Robbie and Ella, everybody is a star
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Stokkermans is a famous composer in the Netherlands. He wrote the music for television series like Q & Q, Oebele, Tita Tovenaar, Kunt U Mij De Weg Naar Hamelen Vertellen Meneer, Barbapapa and De Berenboot. And he wrote songs for Dutch artists like Jasperina de Jong, Rob de Nijs, Paul de Leeuw, Saskia & Serge and Ronnie Tober.
All terrible in my opinion, consider yourself lucky if you don't know those names.
In 1970 he got fascinated by the wonder of the synthesizer and made an album with the ARP of Roddy de Hilster, who programmed the sounds. Bert Paige was the orchestra conductor.

I bought this lp last week from an accordion enthusiast who sold all his records.
Side one:
1 Electronic air
2 I should have known
3 Tijd...
4 Dansen met de Fransen
5 This guy's in love with you
6 Was dit 't
Side two:
1 Je t'attends
2 Blij zijn zolang het nog kan
3 Uren
4 The Swan
5 In the chapel in the moonlight
6 Jazz wals

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All terrible in my opinion, consider yourself lucky if you don't know those names.
In 1970 he got fascinated by the wonder of the synthesizer and made an album with the ARP of Roddy de Hilster, who programmed the sounds. Bert Paige was the orchestra conductor.

I bought this lp last week from an accordion enthusiast who sold all his records.
Side one:
1 Electronic air
2 I should have known
3 Tijd...
4 Dansen met de Fransen
5 This guy's in love with you
6 Was dit 't
Side two:
1 Je t'attends
2 Blij zijn zolang het nog kan
3 Uren
4 The Swan
5 In the chapel in the moonlight
6 Jazz wals

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Sammie America's Gasphetti was the band of the Dutch artist Tom America, he later formed MAM. I found this single on the attic of a youth center and you can hear that. My noise filter did its job, but still... The b-side, Orange, is so short, they play it twice and it still does under the two minutes.

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