11th December 1977.
Dutch radio recording.

1 Pretty Vacant
2 Anarchy in the U.K.
3 No Fun
4 Liar
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Dutch radio recording.

1 Pretty Vacant
2 Anarchy in the U.K.
3 No Fun
4 Liar
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Bands Of The Manchester Musicians' Collective

Side one:
1 Bathroom Renovations - Intensely Henna'd
2 Cajun Cutie - Black Man's World
3 Dislocation Dance - You Can't Beat History
4 The Enigma - Play With Fire
5 Gods Gift - Creeps In
6 The Hoax - World War III
7 If Only - If Only...
Side two:
1 The Liggers - Pretty Girl
2 The Mekon - Must Have More
3 Outer Edge - Old Wives Tales
4 Performance - Natural Equilibrium
5 The Spurtz - Boyfriends Or Your Money Back
6 The Still - 9.5
7 Undercovermen - Of No Fixed Abode
8 Vibrant Thigh - Walking Away
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Side one:
1 Bathroom Renovations - Intensely Henna'd
2 Cajun Cutie - Black Man's World
3 Dislocation Dance - You Can't Beat History
4 The Enigma - Play With Fire
5 Gods Gift - Creeps In
6 The Hoax - World War III
7 If Only - If Only...
Side two:
1 The Liggers - Pretty Girl
2 The Mekon - Must Have More
3 Outer Edge - Old Wives Tales
4 Performance - Natural Equilibrium
5 The Spurtz - Boyfriends Or Your Money Back
6 The Still - 9.5
7 Undercovermen - Of No Fixed Abode
8 Vibrant Thigh - Walking Away
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With the new electronic tom-tom.
German TV (mono) recording of concert Markthalle Hamburg 1981-11-26.

1 The Future Now
2 Losing Faith In Words
3 Stranger Still
4 My Experience
5 The Sphinx In The Face
6 Flight
7 The Spirit
8 Door (partial)
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German TV (mono) recording of concert Markthalle Hamburg 1981-11-26.

1 The Future Now
2 Losing Faith In Words
3 Stranger Still
4 My Experience
5 The Sphinx In The Face
6 Flight
7 The Spirit
8 Door (partial)
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Dutch radio mono recording, except for the two last songs, taken from lp Propaganda, recorded at The Bottom Line, New York, April 4, 1979.
Original photo by Karel Meijer
1 So lonely
2 Fall out
3 Born in the 50's
4 Hole in my life
5 Roxanne
6 Next to you
7 Can't stand losing you
8 Landlord
9 Next to you
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Original photo by Karel Meijer
1 So lonely
2 Fall out
3 Born in the 50's
4 Hole in my life
5 Roxanne
6 Next to you
7 Can't stand losing you
8 Landlord
9 Next to you
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Compilation from bands around Manchester.

Side one:
1 Airkraft - Move In Rhythm
2 Expelaires - Sympathy (Don't Be Taken In)
3 Clock DVA - You're Without Sound
4 Music For Pleasure - The Human Factor
5 Nightmares In Wax - Shangri-La
6 Ada Wilson and Keeping Dark - Head In The Clouds
7 Modern Eon - Choreography
8 Medium Medium - Them Or Me
Side two:
1 Radio 5 - True Colours
2 They Must Be Russians - Where Have I Seen You
3 Section 25 - After-Image
4 Art Failure - Gimmick
5 I'm So Hollow - I Don't Know
6 Wah! Heat - Hey Disco Joe
7 Stranger Than Fiction - Immortal In Mirrors
8 The Distributors - T.V. ME
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Side one:
1 Airkraft - Move In Rhythm
2 Expelaires - Sympathy (Don't Be Taken In)
3 Clock DVA - You're Without Sound
4 Music For Pleasure - The Human Factor
5 Nightmares In Wax - Shangri-La
6 Ada Wilson and Keeping Dark - Head In The Clouds
7 Modern Eon - Choreography
8 Medium Medium - Them Or Me
Side two:
1 Radio 5 - True Colours
2 They Must Be Russians - Where Have I Seen You
3 Section 25 - After-Image
4 Art Failure - Gimmick
5 I'm So Hollow - I Don't Know
6 Wah! Heat - Hey Disco Joe
7 Stranger Than Fiction - Immortal In Mirrors
8 The Distributors - T.V. ME
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A sampler on the 4AD label.
I'm a sucker for covers.
For the Psychotik Tanks' Lets have a party, I liked it so much I did a cover of their version at the Debutistenfestival in the Roermond youth center S'61 (51.197252, 5.9894048), November 3rd 1984.
As equipment I used a Yamaha PortaSound PC-100, a Sinclair ZX-81 computer with a program that could modulate the save-tone (that was the only audio the ZX could produce), a microphone of an old Sharp tape recorder, the Akai GXC-46 cassette deck as booster for a Sonolor Plein Vent transistor radio that acted as an amplifier (boy, did that work) and some kind of guitar.
The radio was the same one I used for the static noise in Jah Wobble's Blueberry Hill.
The microphone was taped to my mouth but let loose halfway. Anyway, a lot of fun (for me, not sure about the audience).
Side one:
1 Psychotik Tanks - Security Idiots
2 The Last Dance - Malignant Love
3 C.V.O. - Sargasso Sea
Side two:
1 Psychotik Tanks - Let's Have A Party
2 Modern English - Home
3 Spasmodic Caress - Hit The Dead
4 Red Atkins - Hunk Of A Punk
wieL - Let's have a party
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[Listen to wieL's version of Let's have a party at S61]
I'm a sucker for covers.
For the Psychotik Tanks' Lets have a party, I liked it so much I did a cover of their version at the Debutistenfestival in the Roermond youth center S'61 (51.197252, 5.9894048), November 3rd 1984.
As equipment I used a Yamaha PortaSound PC-100, a Sinclair ZX-81 computer with a program that could modulate the save-tone (that was the only audio the ZX could produce), a microphone of an old Sharp tape recorder, the Akai GXC-46 cassette deck as booster for a Sonolor Plein Vent transistor radio that acted as an amplifier (boy, did that work) and some kind of guitar.
The radio was the same one I used for the static noise in Jah Wobble's Blueberry Hill.
The microphone was taped to my mouth but let loose halfway. Anyway, a lot of fun (for me, not sure about the audience).
Side one:
1 Psychotik Tanks - Security Idiots
2 The Last Dance - Malignant Love
3 C.V.O. - Sargasso Sea
Side two:
1 Psychotik Tanks - Let's Have A Party
2 Modern English - Home
3 Spasmodic Caress - Hit The Dead
4 Red Atkins - Hunk Of A Punk
wieL - Let's have a party
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[Listen to wieL's version of Let's have a party at S61]
Dutch radio recording.

original photos by Wouter van Essen
1 Instrumental
2 Blinded by the Light
3 Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)
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original photos by Wouter van Essen
1 Instrumental
2 Blinded by the Light
3 Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)
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