A colleague of mine asked me to make a compilation for her of the silly covers I have of Beatles songs. While busy with that, I thought by myself: why not sharing this? So here it is.
I must admit, I took a lot from the fabulous the Exotic Beatles compilations of Jim Phelan.

01 Intro
02 The Squirrels - Let It Be
03 Akiko Kanazawa - Yellow Submarine Ondo
04 Die Beat Oma - Ich Bin die Beat Oma
05 Joah Valley - I Saw Her Standing There
06 William Shatner - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
07 Arthur Mullard - Yesterday
08 Helmut Zacharias - Ob-la-di ob-la-da
09 First Moog Quartet - Eleanor Rigby
10 Lord Sitar - I Am The Walrus
11 Kathy Berberian - I wanna hold your hand
12 Don Bowman - The other Ringo
13 Geesin's Mahogany's Ministrels - Lady Madonna
14 The Ladmo Trio - Michelle
15 The Pickin' On Pickers - Yellow Submarine
16 The Templeton Twins - Yesterday
17 Frank Sidebottom - Flying
18 Gershon Kingsley - Paperback Rider
19 The Folkswingers - Norwegian Wood
20 Tiny Tim & Brave Combo - Girl
21 Reverend Floyd Hazen
22 Teddy Lee - Maxwells Silberhammer
23 Margarita Pracatan - From Me To You
24 Sweet Sixteen - We love you Beatles
25 John Otway - I'm the Walrus
26 Peter Sellers - She Loves You
27 R.A.M. Pietsch - Piggies
28 Gordon Langford - Yellow Submarine
29 The Travellers - Hoppla-di Hoppla-da
30 Mae West - Day Tripper
31 Dread Zeppelin - Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End
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I must admit, I took a lot from the fabulous the Exotic Beatles compilations of Jim Phelan.

01 Intro
02 The Squirrels - Let It Be
03 Akiko Kanazawa - Yellow Submarine Ondo
04 Die Beat Oma - Ich Bin die Beat Oma
05 Joah Valley - I Saw Her Standing There
06 William Shatner - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
07 Arthur Mullard - Yesterday
08 Helmut Zacharias - Ob-la-di ob-la-da
09 First Moog Quartet - Eleanor Rigby
10 Lord Sitar - I Am The Walrus
11 Kathy Berberian - I wanna hold your hand
12 Don Bowman - The other Ringo
13 Geesin's Mahogany's Ministrels - Lady Madonna
14 The Ladmo Trio - Michelle
15 The Pickin' On Pickers - Yellow Submarine
16 The Templeton Twins - Yesterday
17 Frank Sidebottom - Flying
18 Gershon Kingsley - Paperback Rider
19 The Folkswingers - Norwegian Wood
20 Tiny Tim & Brave Combo - Girl
21 Reverend Floyd Hazen
22 Teddy Lee - Maxwells Silberhammer
23 Margarita Pracatan - From Me To You
24 Sweet Sixteen - We love you Beatles
25 John Otway - I'm the Walrus
26 Peter Sellers - She Loves You
27 R.A.M. Pietsch - Piggies
28 Gordon Langford - Yellow Submarine
29 The Travellers - Hoppla-di Hoppla-da
30 Mae West - Day Tripper
31 Dread Zeppelin - Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, The End
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Friday, June 1, 2007, 11:37 AM - Personal
I couldn't find a streaming link, so I used a javascript trick:
<script language="JavaScript">Markus Kison (DE) made an installation with this and three other webcams. See a description and explanation here and on the related link.
function reloadMarktImage() {
var mynow = new Date();
if (document.images) {
document.images.Roermond.src =
+ mynow.getTime();
<img src=""
name="Roermond" width="484" height="396"
onLoad='setTimeout("reloadMarktImage()", 50);'
See the Markt in Roermond on Google Earth.
Original music from the man who covered lots of country hits on his moog: Country Moog & Nashville Gold. Thanks to Vasco who sent me this gem.
Both compositions were made for a dance performance.
Principal instrumentation includes: Moog IIIc modular, two interconnected Micromoogs, EML 400 Sequencer, Multivox Analog Echo and a Farfisa combo organ.

Luxikon II [14:36]
Echospace [12:30]
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Both compositions were made for a dance performance.
Principal instrumentation includes: Moog IIIc modular, two interconnected Micromoogs, EML 400 Sequencer, Multivox Analog Echo and a Farfisa combo organ.

Luxikon II [14:36]
Echospace [12:30]
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"The songs are all from the 70's and are performed entirely (with the exception of the rhythm section) on electronic keyboard instruments, some of which at the time of recording were prototypes."
(from the sleeve notes)
They forgot to mention the electric fuzz and wah-wah guitars.
Amongst the keyboards that were used are ARP Odyssey, Davolisint, VCS 3, Farfisa Syntorchestra, Freeman String Synthesizer and Mellotron 400.
The players were John Keating himself and Francis Monkman of Curved Air.
Despite all of this, it still remains middle of the road music. Although well produced, often used as demo record for hi-fi stereo equipment. Engineered by Peter Vince.

Side one:
1 Love's theme
2 Touch me in the morning
3 You are the sunshine of my life
4 Eye level
5 Dreaming
Side two:
1 Never never gonna give you up
2 You're so vain
3 The show must go on
4 Vadi via
5 Where you lead
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(from the sleeve notes)
They forgot to mention the electric fuzz and wah-wah guitars.
Amongst the keyboards that were used are ARP Odyssey, Davolisint, VCS 3, Farfisa Syntorchestra, Freeman String Synthesizer and Mellotron 400.
The players were John Keating himself and Francis Monkman of Curved Air.
Despite all of this, it still remains middle of the road music. Although well produced, often used as demo record for hi-fi stereo equipment. Engineered by Peter Vince.

Side one:
1 Love's theme
2 Touch me in the morning
3 You are the sunshine of my life
4 Eye level
5 Dreaming
Side two:
1 Never never gonna give you up
2 You're so vain
3 The show must go on
4 Vadi via
5 Where you lead
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I'm in Wroclaw, Poland, at the 12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07.

I'll try continue posting next Tuesday.

I'll try continue posting next Tuesday.
Jazz purists hate this record. They have problems with soul and disco producer Bunndino Siggalucci (Bunny Sigler). I think it's his best album. Beautiful sound, relaxing tunes and excellent guitar playing. Never released on cd; shame!
Music to crash by...

Side one:
1 Concorde (Nightflight) [6:48]
2 Funny Face [3:04]
3 Baby Rattle Snake [6:50]
4 Theme for Gabor [4:31]
Side two:
1 Keep Smilin' [7:25]
2 Every Minute Counts [6:50]
3 Smooth Sailin' [6:47]
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This is Gabor Szabo's "Concorde (Nightflight)", recorded for the Club Date TV program in 1977 and included as part of Carlos Santana's video "Influences":
And another great song, Breezin from the High Contrast album, on YouTube. Same session.
This is Gabor Szabo performing "The Biz" at the Budapest Hilton Hotel in 1978 during a visit back to his native land. The original version of this song by Bobby Lyle appears on the Szabo's 1977 album, Faces. This performance was broadcast on Hungarian television in 1978. What synthesizer is played here?
Music to crash by...

Side one:
1 Concorde (Nightflight) [6:48]
2 Funny Face [3:04]
3 Baby Rattle Snake [6:50]
4 Theme for Gabor [4:31]
Side two:
1 Keep Smilin' [7:25]
2 Every Minute Counts [6:50]
3 Smooth Sailin' [6:47]
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This is Gabor Szabo's "Concorde (Nightflight)", recorded for the Club Date TV program in 1977 and included as part of Carlos Santana's video "Influences":
And another great song, Breezin from the High Contrast album, on YouTube. Same session.
This is Gabor Szabo performing "The Biz" at the Budapest Hilton Hotel in 1978 during a visit back to his native land. The original version of this song by Bobby Lyle appears on the Szabo's 1977 album, Faces. This performance was broadcast on Hungarian television in 1978. What synthesizer is played here?
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