Wednesday, August 8, 2007, 09:05 AM - Personal, Nederlands
Zuiderlucht vroeg me een stukje voor hen te schrijven als Limburgse expat.Nu heb ik dat altijd een merkwaardig fenomeen gevonden: iemands mening belangwekkend beschouwen vanwege het feit dat hij de provincie verlaten heeft.
In Roermond bestond zelfs een club van ex-buiten-limburg-gangers die zich er op voorstonden dat ze daar een poos hadden weten te overleven.
Maar de redactie was aardig, ze betalen (hoop ik tenminste) en ik kon eindelijk mijn twee verhaaltjes over Jos van Rey, van beroep VVD, kwijt.
Voor wie hem niet kent: bekijk de foto en trek je conclusies.

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Friday, June 1, 2007, 11:37 AM - Personal
I couldn't find a streaming link, so I used a javascript trick:
<script language="JavaScript">Markus Kison (DE) made an installation with this and three other webcams. See a description and explanation here and on the related link.
function reloadMarktImage() {
var mynow = new Date();
if (document.images) {
document.images.Roermond.src =
+ mynow.getTime();
<img src=""
name="Roermond" width="484" height="396"
onLoad='setTimeout("reloadMarktImage()", 50);'
See the Markt in Roermond on Google Earth.
I'm in Wroclaw, Poland, at the 12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07.

I'll try continue posting next Tuesday.

I'll try continue posting next Tuesday.
A new craze is going on: building miniature versions of analogue synthesizers...

Follow the links:
Rick Wakeman's keyboards
Barbie @ Music Thing
Synthgear (Moog Modular pdf)

Follow the links:
Rick Wakeman's keyboards
Barbie @ Music Thing
Synthgear (Moog Modular pdf)

Reporters Without Borders strongly condemned the four-year prison sentence imposed today by a court in Alexandria on Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman for “inciting hatred of Islam” and insulting President Hosni Mubarak in his blog, for which he used the pseudonym of “Kareem Amer.”
“This sentence is a disgrace,” the press freedom organisation said. “Almost three years ago to the day, President Mubarak promised to abolish prison sentences for press offences. Suleiman’s conviction and sentence is a message of intimidation to the rest of the Egyptian blogosphere, which had emerged in recent years as an effective bulwark against the regime’s authoritarian excesses.”
According to Wikipedia this is a multisided record. Strange name, it is only playable on one side, but it has at least seven grooves. Each groove has it's own version of the same song. They all start the same but the ends are different. Which version you hear depends on where the stylus of your turntable starts. The flexi disc was included in an American edition of Mad magazine in 1980. I digitised the seven versions of the song I could discover on this record.

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