Saturday, November 17, 2007, 05:54 PM - Music
Again powerful synthpop on side one and a dub mix and experimental piece on side two.
Side one:
1 On Your Own (New York mix) [5:24]
Side two:
1 On Your Own (New York dub mix) [5:33]
2 Please Forgive Me . . . But I Cannot Endure It Any Longer [7:43]
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A terrible quality video of 'On your own' has been placed on YouTube:

Het gaat weer op kerst aan, merk ik aan de clicks op kerstposts van vorig jaar. Maar het moet nog Sinterklaas worden!
Heeft u kinderen? Eigen schuld. Maar om het nog enigszins draaglijk te houden: pak ze de cd-tjes van de diverse kinderkoren af, en geef hen de zelfgebrand exemplaar van The Chinatown Philharmonic, ook wel genaamd Korzorkest, ervoor in de plaats.
Met Marcel Cuypers (Snake Charming, City & Eastern, De Dopegezinde Gemeente) op klarinet en reeds ingekleurde tekeningen van Meinsje de Paauw.

Veel meer kun je er niet van maken.
Hier te downloaden
Heeft u kinderen? Eigen schuld. Maar om het nog enigszins draaglijk te houden: pak ze de cd-tjes van de diverse kinderkoren af, en geef hen de zelfgebrand exemplaar van The Chinatown Philharmonic, ook wel genaamd Korzorkest, ervoor in de plaats.
Met Marcel Cuypers (Snake Charming, City & Eastern, De Dopegezinde Gemeente) op klarinet en reeds ingekleurde tekeningen van Meinsje de Paauw.

Veel meer kun je er niet van maken.
Hier te downloaden
Three sides of Pete Shelley on this 12".
Powerful synthpop on side one, dub mix and experimental drums/noises on side two.
Pete Shelley (ex Buzzcocks): guitar, voice
Barry Adamson (ex Magazine, ex Visage): bass
Gerard Cookson: guitar
Derek Thompson: bass
Dexter (Francis Cookson): drums
Steve Turley: keyboards

Side one:
1 Never Again (extended version) [6:12]
Side two:
1 Give It To Me [5:37]
2 111 (extended version) [8:27]
[Listen low quality]
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Powerful synthpop on side one, dub mix and experimental drums/noises on side two.
Pete Shelley (ex Buzzcocks): guitar, voice
Barry Adamson (ex Magazine, ex Visage): bass
Gerard Cookson: guitar
Derek Thompson: bass
Dexter (Francis Cookson): drums
Steve Turley: keyboards

Side one:
1 Never Again (extended version) [6:12]
Side two:
1 Give It To Me [5:37]
2 111 (extended version) [8:27]
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Why this lp is made is a mystery to me. Tom Sellers had a hit with Overture from Tommy. And here he covers in the same way more pop tunes with his Assembled Multitude. Wanted to sell his own two songs included on the album? Then the choise of the other titles is somewhat strange: not really middle of the road, but the way he treats them is.
I love the sound of the trombones. And you can't ruin I Want You (She's So Heavy), not even the Beatles themselves, nor George Benson could do that.
Rhino (who else) sells this record, but only in Windows Media Audio format. ???
Why the &^%$ in WMA?

Side one:
1 Overture from "Tommy" (A Rock Opera) (Peter Townshend) [2:27]
2 Woodstock (Joni Mitchell) [2:14]
3 Where the Woodbine Twineth (Tom Sellers) [2:36]
4 Ohio (Neil Young) [2:07]
5 Singalong Junk (Paul McCartney) [1:46]
6 MacArthur Park (Jim Webb) [3:32]
Side two:
1 The Princess and the Soldier (Tony Hazzard) [2:31]
2 Twenty Four Hours from Tulsa (Burt Bacharach - Hal David) [2:31]
3 While My Guitar Gently Sleeps (George Harrison) [4:08]
4 Mr. Peppercorn (Tom Sellers) [2:29]
5 I Want You (She's So Heavy) (John Lennon - Paul McCartney) [4:19]
[Listen low quality lp rip]
Not shared anymore.
I love the sound of the trombones. And you can't ruin I Want You (She's So Heavy), not even the Beatles themselves, nor George Benson could do that.
Rhino (who else) sells this record, but only in Windows Media Audio format. ???
Why the &^%$ in WMA?

Side one:
1 Overture from "Tommy" (A Rock Opera) (Peter Townshend) [2:27]
2 Woodstock (Joni Mitchell) [2:14]
3 Where the Woodbine Twineth (Tom Sellers) [2:36]
4 Ohio (Neil Young) [2:07]
5 Singalong Junk (Paul McCartney) [1:46]
6 MacArthur Park (Jim Webb) [3:32]
Side two:
1 The Princess and the Soldier (Tony Hazzard) [2:31]
2 Twenty Four Hours from Tulsa (Burt Bacharach - Hal David) [2:31]
3 While My Guitar Gently Sleeps (George Harrison) [4:08]
4 Mr. Peppercorn (Tom Sellers) [2:29]
5 I Want You (She's So Heavy) (John Lennon - Paul McCartney) [4:19]
[Listen low quality lp rip]
Not shared anymore.
This is output from an Amiga program I wrote in 1990 in C. Based on 10 basic figures, the program creates constantly different abstract, unearthly landscapes.
I couldn't see it for years. My Amiga's are broken and disks had read errors. I finally managed to save the software and thanks to UAE Amiga Emulator and WinUAE I could run the program on my PC and grab the output in Avi's. I added some sound and uploaded it to YouTube. Happy floating.
I couldn't see it for years. My Amiga's are broken and disks had read errors. I finally managed to save the software and thanks to UAE Amiga Emulator and WinUAE I could run the program on my PC and grab the output in Avi's. I added some sound and uploaded it to YouTube. Happy floating.
This Piece was named after a Sumerian poem (c 1700 BC).
Morton Subotnick always used the Buchla synthesizer as his electronic instrument. Don Buchla was the west coast counterpart of the east coast Bob Moog. His synthesizers didn't have real keyboards, they were made for producing electronic sounds, not melodies.

1 Part 1 [12:56]
2 Part 2 [14:58]
[Listen low quality lp rip]
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Update (Comment from Matrixsynth):
The CD of this is still in print. Mort's site has ordering information.
Morton Subotnick always used the Buchla synthesizer as his electronic instrument. Don Buchla was the west coast counterpart of the east coast Bob Moog. His synthesizers didn't have real keyboards, they were made for producing electronic sounds, not melodies.

1 Part 1 [12:56]
2 Part 2 [14:58]
[Listen low quality lp rip]
[Download high quality lp rip]
Update (Comment from Matrixsynth):
The CD of this is still in print. Mort's site has ordering information.
A special Pandora's Music Box blog started this month!
Lot's of info and articles.

A lot of the 1983 edition music can be downloaded here at Wiel's:
Lot's of info and articles.

A lot of the 1983 edition music can be downloaded here at Wiel's:
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